Golden Rule 126

2008 - present


Golden Rule Lodge, No. 126 GRC, Campbellford had existed since its formation in 1860. Hastings Lodge,No. 633 had been formed in 1925 at Hastings but had found that declining membership and increasing costs of operating the masonic Hall necessitated drastic measures. It removed to Norwood in 1991 and shared the masonic Hall there until continuing declining membership and other challenges forced further dramatic measures.

At the 153rd Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario(July 16-17, 2008, Toronto) the Grand Master, M. W. Bro. Allan J. Petrisor announced that in spite of suggesting a moratorium on amalgamations he had presided over seven: on December 8, 2007, Golden Rule No. 126 and Hastings No. 633 (Norwood), to become Golden Rule-Hastings Lodge, No. 128, meeting on the third Monday of each month from September to June inclusive at the Masonic Hall, 53 Front Street, South, Campbellford.R. W. Bro. Gary T. Ballard, an affiliated member of the Lodge served as DDGM of Peterborough District(2009-10).
[Sources: (1) Proceedings of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada. (2) History of the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario. (3) The Ontario mason, Volume 14, No. 1, Fall 2008, p12. (4) Place Names of Ontario, by Alan Rayburn,© by University of Toronto Press, 1997, ISBN 0-8020-7207-0.]

In 1831 brothers Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Campbell and Major David Campbell were granted 890 hectares (2,200 acres) of land on the Trent River, in Seymour Township, Northumberland County. The area chosen by the Campbell's had been known from about 1827 as Seymour West, after the Township. The name Campbel/ford was officially adopted in 1854 when the first post office was opened, although it may have been unofficially used from about 1835. Campbellford became a town in 1906.

Golden Rule Lodge is shown as "under dispensation" and was represented at the 5th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada (July 11, 1860, Ottawa) by W. Bro. Isaac M. Lindsley as WM.At the 5th Communication (July 11-13, 1860, Ottawa) the DDGM of Ontario District, R. W. Bro. William Henry Weller, reported (1860 Annual Communications, p 451-2) that during the year two new Lodges had been added to the District-Corinthian (now No. 101) of Peterborough and Golden Rule, U.D., at Campbellford. The Committee on Warrants (1860 Annual Communications, p 491) recommended the issue of Warrants to twenty-one Lodges3, including "No. 126. Golden Rule, Campbellsford (sic).

"Golden Rule Lodge achieved its centennial with effect from March 14, 1960 (1959 Annual Proceedings,p 52).

Twenty-two members of the Lodge served the colours during World War I: Bros. W. J. Doxsee, R. H. Bonnycastle, R. S. Armour, W. J. Salter, H. E. Hidge and J. E. Stephens paid the supreme sacrifice.

During its existence, nine members of the Lodge have served as DDGM of Ontario and Peterborough Districts: R. W. Bros. Owen Clarence Watson (Prince Edward, 1912-13). Frank C. Bonnycastle (Peterborough, 1923-24), Francis Frederick Long (Peterborough, 1935-36), George H. Free (Peterborough, 1947-48), Byron Hilton Beatty (Peterborough, 1956-57), Sidney A Hopping (Peterborough, 1965-66), Roy E. Ballard {Peterborough, 1973-74), D. Clifford Lunn (Peterborough, 1985-86) and Scott R. Drummond (Peterborough, 1996-97). other members of the Lodge served as Grand Steward, including: V. W. Bros. Hugh O'Neill (1871-72), John Turner (1888-89),Francis Frederick Long (1924-25), George William Atwell (1936-37), Frank E. Heagle (1948-49), R. A Connor (1957-58), Douglas M. Carswell (1966-67), Roland Eugene King (1974-75)([} M:...Carswell (1966-67), Thomas Mein (1986-87)and Clarence Nicholas (1997-98). W. Bro. GaryT. Ballard of the Lodge was elected as DDGM of Peterborough District for 2009-10 (the tenth such elected officerJrom Golden Rule 126) although this occurred after the formation of Golden Rule-Hastings Lodge.

At the 153rd Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge AF. & AM. of Canada in the Province of Ontario (July 16-17, 2008, Toronto) the Grand Master, M. W. Bro. Allan J. Petrisor announced that in spite of suggesting a moratorium on amalgamations he had presided over seven: on December 8, 2007, Golden Rule No. 126 and Hastings No. 633 (Norwood), to become Golden Rule-Hastings Lodge, No. 128, meeting on the third Monday of each month from September to June inclusive at the Masonic Hall, 53 Front Street, South, Campbellford

Variously entitled Ontario District #8 1860-1870, Ontario District #9 1870-1878, District No. 9-Ontario1878-1879, District No. 10-Ontario 1879-1886.

Variously entitled Thirteenth Masonic District (Prince Edward) 1886-1888, Prince Edward District No. 13 1888-1923 when districts ceased being numbered except in cases where two or more used the same name e.g. Ottawa 1 and Ottawa 2.
3 The twenty-one Lodges were: No. 116 Cassia Lodge, Sylvan; 117 Stanbridge Lodge, Stanbridge; No. 118 Union Lodge, Uoydtown: No. 119 Maple Leaf Lodge, Bath; No. 120 Warren Lodge, Fingal; No. 121, Doric Lodge, Brantford; No. 122 Renfrew Lodge, Renfrew; No. 123 The Belleville Lodge, Belleville; 124 Montreal Kilwinning Lodge, Montreal; 125 Cornwall Lodge, Cornwall; No. 126 Golden Rule Lodge, Campbelslford (sic); 127 Franck Lodge, Franktown; 128 Pembroke Lodge, Pembroke; 129 The Rising Sun Lodge, Aurora; 130 Yamaska, Granby; 131 St. Lawrence Lodge, Southampton; 132 Sweet Home Lodge, New Hamburgh; 133 Lebanon Forest Lodge, Franceston; 134 Shawenegan Lodge, Three Rivers; 135 St. Clair Lodge, Milton; 136 Richardson Lodge, Cashel.