Havelock 435

1896 - Present


The village (1892) of Havelock, in Peterborough County, was named in 1859 in honour of Sir Henry Havelock (1795-1857), who fought with distinction during the First Burmese War (1824-26) and the First Afghan War (1838-42). He returned to India in 1857 during the Sepoy Mutiny and secured several victories, but was besieged at Lucknow. He was relived by Sir Colin Campbell on November 17, 1857 but died a week later of dysentery. In 1881 William and Alexander Mathison laid out the village lots, and called the place Mathison, which did not supplant the original name of Havelock (Havelock Township, Haliburton County was also named Sir Henry).

At the 36th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario for the formation of Lodges at Havelock, Peterboro County; Thessalon, Algoma District and for Mount Acra Lodge at Toronto, the Committee did not recommend dispensations be issued for any of the three.

At the 41st Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario (July 15-16, 1896, Belleville), the Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Hon. William Gibson, MP reported (Annual Proceedings p30) that he had received "an unusual number of petitions for dispensations for new lodges during the year" and that he had issued six and refused three. The Grand Secretary reported (Annual Proceedings p36-7) on the dates of issue of dispensations, including August 16, 1895 to hold Havelock Lodge at Havelock, located in Ontario District. R.W. Bro. Andrew Ross, DDGM of Ontario District reported (Annual Proceedings p161) that he had instituted the Lodge on October 8, 1895 in the presence of eighty-five Masons, of which twenty-seven were charter members (a number which had increased to 38 at the time the report was presented). The DDGM recommended the issue of a warrant which was supported in the recommendation of the Board of Warrants (Annual Proceedings p208). Warrant No.435 was issued bearing date July 15, 1896.

Fifteen members of the Lodge served the colorus during World War I and all survived their service. The Lodge celebrated it's Centennial on August 16, 1995.

Duriing it's existence, eight members of the Lodge served as DDGM: R.W. Bro. Henry T. Andrews (Ontonabee, 1915-16), Thomas Percival Lancaster (Peterborough, 1925-26), Herrick William Roche (Peterborough, 1937-38), Harry A. Anderson (Peterborough, 1963-64), M. Jack Wenzel (Peterborough, 1979-80), C. Wheeler (Peterborough, 1991-92) and Russel P. Pollock (Peterborough, 2003-04). Other members have served Grand Lodge in a variety of offices, including:
- Grand Stweard - V.W. Bros. John Howe (1928-27),
- Robert A. Buchanan (1938-39),
- William Anderson (1940-41),
- W.J. Nobes (1950-51),
- L.H. Gerow (1964-65),
- G. A. Smith (1992-93) and
- Unknown (2004-05) and
- Grand Standard Bearer - V.W. Bro. Henry Pacy (1910-11)

The Lodge is still operating under the same name and number and still meets on the fourth Monday of each month from September to May inclusive at the Masonic Hall, Ottawa Street, East, Havelock.